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2016.01.16 21:00

Ami Yoon 윤아미 "FLOWOM"

조회 수 203 추천 수 0 댓글 0
Extra Form
“She introduced herself as Rose living in B-612 asteroid."

According to novel Le Petit Prince, a character inside the story travels and meets lots of different people. I suddenly thought that those a lot of people actually symbolize a lot of different characteristics living in inside of human's mind. A character "I" who meant to be looked, subjectively fake, is fascinated into a girl from travel of inner mind and from that girl, I am able to perform [looking][understanding][living] and finally, according to my work, I can face to myself at the end of long travel.
A strongly focused character is eventually become a most effective subject in human life, and it creates existential agitation in one's personality and directivity.

I met a girl who introduced herself as Rose, and she had my eye.

She introduced herself as Rose living in B-612 asteroid. She was resting a moment because a little prince who had been accompanied during the travel and she missed each other on the way. I have heard stories like stories of fox, stories of a man living in time rushed, even stories of a boa constrictor which swallowed an elephant. but I was interested in her stories the most so I listened with strained ears (maybe I fall in love with her gentle calm placid humming). With fatigued face and endless her stories, sometimes she showed me her tears, sometimes she never tried to hide her restless heart with stamping her feet on the floor. While I listen her stories, I carefully looked in her mind. I know that act is rude but she never cared about me but herself, even her hands, her feet and her beautiful cheek becoming reddish because of thinking of little prince.

“I loved him so much”

Before I say something to her,
she left all in sudden like she was very busy.

“fox, fox, what are you doing-how could you forget little prince-”
I could not realize that was her singing or telling a story. she left me like that.

#4*5 B/W dual shoot.
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008
  • ⓒ윤아미 Ami Yoon
    [FLOWOM]_pigment prin_40x50in_2008

“She introduced herself as Rose living in B-612 asteroid."

According to novel Le Petit Prince, a character inside the story travels and meets lots of different people. I suddenly thought that those a lot of people actually symbolize a lot of different characteristics living in inside of human's mind. A character "I" who meant to be looked, subjectively fake, is fascinated into a girl from travel of inner mind and from that girl, I am able to perform [looking][understanding][living] and finally, according to my work, I can face to myself at the end of long travel.
A strongly focused character is eventually become a most effective subject in human life, and it creates existential agitation in one's personality and directivity.

I met a girl who introduced herself as Rose, and she had my eye.

She introduced herself as Rose living in B-612 asteroid. She was resting a moment because a little prince who had been accompanied during the travel and she missed each other on the way. I have heard stories like stories of fox, stories of a man living in time rushed, even stories of a boa constrictor which swallowed an elephant. but I was interested in her stories the most so I listened with strained ears (maybe I fall in love with her gentle calm placid humming). With fatigued face and endless her stories, sometimes she showed me her tears, sometimes she never tried to hide her restless heart with stamping her feet on the floor. While I listen her stories, I carefully looked in her mind. I know that act is rude but she never cared about me but herself, even her hands, her feet and her beautiful cheek becoming reddish because of thinking of little prince.

“I loved him so much”

Before I say something to her,
she left all in sudden like she was very busy.

“fox, fox, what are you doing-how could you forget little prince-”
I could not realize that was her singing or telling a story. she left me like that.

#4*5 B/W dual shoot.

“그녀는 소행성 B-612호에 살고 있는 장미라고 자신을 소개했어,“

어린 왕자의 소설에 착안하여 소설 속 인물이 여행을 하며 만나는 많은 인물들은 실은 한 사람의 내면 에 살고 있는 또 다른 인격체가 아닌가라는 이해로 초점을 잡고,
바라보기의 주체적위치인 가상의 “나”라는 인물은 내면 속의 여행을 통해 한 소녀에게 매료 당하고 그 소녀를 통해 세상을 바라보기, 이해하기, 살아가기를 행하고 종래에 이 작업을 진행하던 나 는 긴 여행 끝에 나 자신과 마주한다.
강력하게 집중되는 인물은 결국 삶에 있어 가장 영향력 있는 주체로써 야기되어 인격과 방향성에 있어 그 존재적 동요를 생성한다.

나는 자신을 장미라 소개하는 여린 소녀를 만났고, 그 소녀는 나와 눈이 닮았다.

그녀는 소행성 B-612호에 살고 있는 장미라고 자신을 소개했어,
여행을 떠난 어린왕자와 길이 엇갈려 잠시 쉬고 있는 중이라고,
나는 여우의 이야기도, 권위를 내세우는 왕의 이야기도, 허영심 많은 남자의 이야기도,
술에 빠져 사는 술꾼의 이야기도, 시간에 쫓겨 사는 사람의 이야기도,
심지어 코끼리를 삼킨 보아 뱀의 이야기도 들어 보았지만.
그녀의 이야기가 가장 흥미로웠기에, (그녀의 잔잔한 허밍소리에 매료 되었는지,)
나는 귀를 기우렸어.
많이 지쳐 보이는 그녀의 얼굴과 쉴 새 없는 그녀의 이야기들에.
그녀는 내게 말하며 간혹 눈물짓기도 했고 때론 발을 굴려가며 들뜬 마음을 숨기려 하지 않았지
그녀의 이야기를 들으며 나는 찬찬히 뜯어보았어,
그것이 실례인줄 알지만 자신의 이야기에 심취해 그녀는 내게 별 신경도 쓰지 않았는걸,
그녀의 손, 그녀의발 어린 왕자를 생각하는지 때론 붉어지는 고운 뺨까지..

“나는 그를 많이 사랑 했어”

무어라 말을 건네기도 전에,
그녀는 서둘러 자릴 떠났어. 매우 바쁜 듯이.

“여우야 여우야 뭐하니-
어린왕자를 어찌 잊었니-”
그녀는 노래를 부르는지 이야기를 하는지 알 수 없게 중얼 거리며 그렇게-.

#4*5흑백 이중촬영.

