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전시제목 다큐멘터리 스타일 Documentary Style
전시기간 2014. 12. 9 ~ 2015. 2. 25
전시장소 고은사진미술관 Goeun Museum Of Photography | 고은컨템포러리사진미술관 Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum, Busan
갤러리 홈페이지
참여작가 노순택 SunTag Noh, 박홍순 HongSoon Park, 손승현 SungHyun Sohn, 이갑철 GapChul Lee,
이상일 SangIl Yi, 강용석 YongSuk Kang, 이상엽 SangYeup Lee, 주명덕 MyungDuck Joo,
기타 오프닝 리셉션 : 2014. 12. 13 (토) 17:00 / 고은사진미술관
아티스트 토크 : 2014. 12. 14 (일) 14:00 / 고은사진미술관
  • ⓒYongSuk Kang, From the Maehyang-ri, 1999, img001,Gyeonggi-do, Gelatin Silver Print, 70x80cm, 1999
    ⓒ강용석, 매향리 풍경, 1999, img001, 경기도, Gelatin Silver Print, 70x80cm, 1999
  • ⓒYongSuk Kang, From the Maehyang-ri, 1999, img002, Gyeonggi-do, Gelatin Silver Print, 70x80cm, 1999
    ⓒ강용석, 매향리 풍경, 1999, img002, 경기도, Gelatin Silver Print, 70x80cm, 1999
  • ⓒSangYeop Lee, Time-nation, The Politics of Records, 09, Yeouido, Seoul, Inkjet Print, 40x50cm, 2014
    ⓒ이상엽, 세월국가, 기록의 정치학, 서울 여의도, Inkjet Print, 40x50cm, 2014
  • ⓒSangYeop Lee, Time-nation, The Politics of Records, 05, Ansan Memorial Altar, Inkjet Print, 50x80cm, 2014
    ⓒ이상엽, 세월국가, 기록의 정치학, 안산 합동분향소, Inkjet Print, 80x50cm, 2014
  • ⓒMyungDuck Joo, Family of Korea, Naesorak, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1972
    ⓒ주명덕, 한국의 가족, 내설악, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1972
  • ⓒMyungDuck Joo, Family of Korea, Nonsan, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1971
    ⓒ주명덕, 한국의 가족, 논산, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1971
  • ⓒSangIl Yi, Mangwol-dong, Gwangju, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1986
    ⓒ이상일, 망월동, 광주, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1986
  • ⓒSangIl Yi, Mangwol-dong, Gwangju, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1990
    ⓒ이상일, 망월동, 광주, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1990
  • ⓒSungHyun Son, History of Life, SunOk Kim, Korea, Inkjet Print, 150x120cm, 2013
    ⓒ손승현, 삶의 역사, 김순옥, 한국, Digital Inkjet Print, 150x120cm, 2012
  • ⓒSungHyun Son, History of Life, YongHo Kim, Korea, Inkjet Print, 150x120cm, 2012
    ⓒ손승현, 삶의 역사, 김용호, 한국, Digital Inkjet Print, 150x120cm, 2012
  • ⓒGapChul Lee, Conflict and Reaction, Man Lifting Up a Menhir, Namwon, Gelatin Silver Print, 50.8x40.6cm, 1990
    ⓒ이갑철, 충돌과 반동, 선돌을 들어올리는 사내, 남원, Gelatin Silver Print, 50.8x40.6cm, 1995
  • ⓒGapChul Lee, Conflict and Reaction, Dreaming of Deliverance, Gyeongju, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1993
    ⓒ이갑철, 충돌과 반동, 해탈을 꿈꾸며, 경주, Gelatin Silver Print, 40.6x50.8cm, 1993
  • ⓒ노순택, 국기복용법, 주 예수를 믿는다면 한미에프티에이 협상을 비준하라는 용, 서울시청광장,
    Archival Pigment Print, Size variable, 2008
  • ⓒ노순택, 국기복용법, 한미 혈맹강화 및 주한미군 지속주둔 읍소용, 서울시청광장,
    Archival Pigment Print, Size variable, 2003
고은사진미술관과 고은컨템포러리사진미술관에서 선보이는 대규모 기획전 《다큐멘터리 스타일》(2014. 12. 9 - 2015. 2. 25)은 한국 다큐멘터리 사진을 스타일, 즉 형식이라는 특정한 관점에서 조망하는 전시이다. 이 전시는 이미 오래 전부터 예정되었던 것이라 해도 과언이 아닌데, 고은사진미술관이 지금껏 다양한 기획전을 통해 추구해왔던 사진의 정체성에 대한 고민이 오롯이 담겨있기 때문이다. 고은사진미술관은 지방 최초의 사진전문미술관으로서 《부산사진의 재발견》전(2011. 7. 16 - 10. 2)을 통해 중요도에 비해 얕고 척박하기 그지없었던 부산지역의 사진의 역사를 전시와 담론의 맥락에서 끌어냈고, 이후의 지속적인 연계전시로 부산사진을 연구 · 정리해오고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 《The Origin 근원》전(2012. 12. 8 - 2013. 2. 21)을 통해 부산사진에서 한국사진으로 확장하여, 한국사진의 역사적 정통성과 사진 본질의 정통성에 근거한 11인의 동시대 작업을 소개하기도 했다.

사진에 대한 이러한 다양하고 진지한 논의는 2009년부터 2010년까지 4차에 걸쳐 진행된 고은사진미술관 [다큐멘터리 세미나]에서도 그 단초를 찾을 수 있다. 이 세미나는 산발적이고 서울 중심으로 이루어졌던 사진에 대한 논의를, 한 때 한국사진의 중심에 있었던 부산에서 다시 한 번 진지하게 끌어내고자 한 최초의 시도였다. 뿐만 아니라 사진가, 교수, 비평가 등 사진 전문가들이 대거 한 자리에 모여 다큐멘터리 사진에 대한 심도 깊은 논의와 날카로운 논쟁을 펼친 의미 있는 자리이기도 했다. 이 세미나의 목표는 한국 현대사진에서 다큐멘터리 사진이 갖는 의미와 가치 그리고 그 가능성을 모색해보는 것이었다. 그래서 우선 한국사진의 전개양상을 살피면서 다큐멘터리 사진의 개념에 대한 논의를 했고, 이어서 다큐멘터리 사진을 포토저널리즘, 예술사진과의 관계와 경계 속에서 각각 다루는 시간을 가졌다. 그 다음으로는 다큐멘터리 사진의 개념이 어떻게 형성되고 전개되어왔으며, 한국사진에서는 그 개념이 어떻게 규정되고 실천되어 왔는지를 살펴보았다.

이렇게 4회에 걸친 세미나는 “한국 다큐멘터리 사진의 가능성을 어떻게 모색할 것인가”라는 중요하고도 어려운 마지막 주제를 남기고 마무리되었다. 고은사진미술관은 그 마지막 주제이자 질문에 대한 나름의 결론을 내려야 할 때가 바로 지금이라고 생각하고, 이 전시를 통해 하나의 대안적 결론을 제안하고자 한다. 물론 이 결론은 고정된 것이 아니기 때문에, 이후의 전시들과 함께 계속해서 진화할 것이라는 것을 전제하고 있다. 그래서 《다큐멘터리 스타일》은 한국 다큐멘터리 사진의 형식과 문제의식을 자신만의 스타일로 보여주는 사진가 8인의 작업을 통해 사진의 형식적인 요소와 내용적인 차원에서 다큐멘터리 사진의 전망을 부분적으로나마 제시하려 한다. 고은사진미술관에서는 노순택, 박홍순, 손승현, 이갑철, 이상일 그리고 고은컨템포러리사진미술관에서는 강용석, 이상엽, 주명덕의 작업이 소개된다. 이 전시를 통해 사진의 역사성과 정통성은 물론 현대성까지 아우르고, 이를 토대로 현대사진의 위치를 다시 한번 점검하는 계기가 되길 바란다.

이미정(고은사진미술관 큐레이터)
Goeun Museum of Photography and Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum present Documentary Style(Dec. 9, 2014 ~ Feb. 25, 2015), a grand exhibition to observe the Korean documentary photography from the particular view of format. The exhibition has been long expected because it touches upon everything the museum has previously presented on the identity of photography through its past projects. Goeun Museum of Photography is the first art museum to be built outside of Seoul that is dedicated to photography. With Rediscovery of Busan Photographs(Jul. 16 ~ Oct. 2, 2011) the museum took the photographic history of Busan area which was once so shallow and almost non-existent compared to its importance and escalated it into the context of exhibition and discourse. Ever since, it has continued to research and organize Busan photography in subsequent exhibitions. Moreover, The Origin(Dec. 8, 2012 ~ Feb. 21, 2013) expanded its scope from Busan to the entire country and introduced contemporary works by 11 artists based on the historical authenticity of Korean photography and authenticity of photography itself.

Such diverse and sincere discussions over photography can find its roots from Goeun Museum of Photography’s that was held over 4 occasions from 2009 through 2010. The seminar was an inaugural attempt to bring together the spontaneous and Seoul centered discussions on photography and assemble them from Busan once again, a city that was once the center of Korean photography. In addition it was a significant event where photographers, professors, critics and other photography specialists gathered in one place to share in depth conversation and edgy arguments on documentary photography. The seminar aimed to pursue the meaning, value and possibility documentary photography has in contemporary Korean photography. Accordingly discussions were made on the concept of documentary photography while looking into how Korean photography unfolded followed by examination on documentary photography in relation to and from the borderlines of photo journalism and artistic photographs. Then the participants delved into how the concept of documentary photography was formed and progressed and how it was defined and executed in Korean photography.

Over the four sessions, the seminar came to an end leaving behind the most important and difficult question of “How to seek the potential of Korean documentary photography”. Goeun Museum of Photography believes now is the time to find the answer to that last theme and question in its own way and wishes to offer an alternative conclusion through this exhibition. Naturally the conclusion is not unchangeable and it is assumed to evolve with future exhibitions. Therefore Documentary Style partially suggests the prospect of documentary photography in terms of formal elements and contents of photography through the works of 8 photographers who present the format and awareness on Korean documentary photography in their own way. Works by SunTag Noh, HongSoon Park, SungHyun Sohn, GapChul Lee and SangIl Yi will be displayed in Goeun Museum of Photography while Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum will present works by YongSuk Kang, SangYeup Lee and MyungDuck Joo. It is our wish that the exhibition will provide a chance to review photography’s historical features and authenticity as well as modernity and based on them reconfirm where contemporary photography stands today.

MiJung Lee(Curator, Goeun Museum of Photography)
스타일은 자아(自我)다.

《다큐멘터리 스타일》전은 한국 다큐멘터리 사진의 어제와 오늘을 ‘형식’의 관점에서 조망해 보려는 시도다. 사진의 스타일은 내용을 결정하는 형식들의 총체다. 앵글과 구도, 원근법, 조명, 명암대비, 톤, 초점과 같은 눈에 띄는 시각적 요소에서부터 프레임의 구성, 피사체와의 관계설정, 장면에 대한 지각방식, 현실을 보는 관점에 이르기까지 사진의 의미를 결정하는 모든 형식적 요소들이 유사하게 되풀이될 때 사진가의 스타일이 나온다. 사진의 스타일은 말투나 문체와도 비슷하다. 어떤 내용을 말하든 한 사람의 말투는 같다. 결국 사진의 스타일은 내용이나 주제와 상관없이 사진가가 구사하는 어법이라고 할 수 있다.

사진의 형식을 결정하는 대부분의 요소는 기계적 법칙에 종속되어 있다. 사진가는 카메라의 광학적 법칙과 이미지를 형성하는 화학적 법칙을 벗어나서는 아무 것도 할 수가 없다. 요컨대 사진가는 기계가 허용하는 한에서만 ‘자아’를 발휘할 수 있다. 다큐멘터리를 지향했던 사진가들은 ‘무엇’을 찍을 것인지 못지않게 ‘어떻게’ 찍을 것인지 진지하게 고민해 왔으며, 결국 본질적으로는 후자가 훨씬 중요한 많은 것을 결정하곤 했다.

다큐멘터리 스타일을 규정하는 원칙은 있다. ‘자료(document)’가 사실의 확인이나 입증의 수단인 이상 거기에는 자료 생산자의 주관이나 감정이 개입돼서는 안 된다. 자료는 철저하게 중립적이고 객관적이어야 한다. 만약 자료 생산자의 사적 견해나 해석, 감정이 개입한다면 자료가치는 훼손된다. 결국 자료 생산자는 자료가 담고 있는 내용을 ‘있는 그대로’ 보존하기만 하면 된다. 사진의 특성은 이 요구에 충실히 부합한다. 인간의 개입이 최소화된 ‘기계적’ 기록이기 때문이다. 따라서 사진가가 자신의 주관을 가급적 배제하고 카메라의 기계적 속성에 따라 대상을 중립적으로 기록할 때 자료가치는 극대화된다. 그것이 ‘대상 중심적’ 스타일, 즉 객관주의적 스타일이다.

하지만 이런 객관주의가 문자 그대로 유지되기란 어렵다. 카메라는 기계적으로 대상을 기록하지만 그 기계장치를 작동시키는 자는 사람이기 때문이다. 그는 의도적으로 원근법이나 구도, 앵글, 프레임 등의 효과를 통해 대상을 해석해서 기록한다. 비록 개입이 눈에 띄지 않을 만큼 미세하더라도 거기에는 이미 사진가의 관점이 있다. 이 개입이 적극적일 경우 ‘주체 중심적’ 스타일이라 부를 수 있겠다. 나아가 ‘대상 중심적’ 스타일에도 주체의 관점이 있다. 사진의 ‘객관성’이란 관념적으로만 가능한 개념이기 때문이다. 결국 스타일의 객관주의와 주관주의는 어디에 중점을 두느냐에 따른 편의적 구분일 뿐이다.

이 구분에 따라 《다큐멘터리 스타일》전은 크게 두 개의 섹터로 나뉜다. ‘객관주의’ 섹터에는 주명덕(dry), 강용석(neutral), 손승현(direct), 이상엽(eloquent)의 작업이, ‘주관주의’ 섹터에는 이갑철(dynamic), 이상일(pathetic), 노순택(allegorical), 박홍순(lyric)의 작업이 포함된다. 이 구분 역시 임의적이다. 스타일의 차이는 ‘개념적’이지 않고 단지 ‘시각적 효과’를 받아들이는 감상자의 ‘감성’에 의존하기 때문이다. 또한 사진가 각각을 규정한 용어 역시 스타일의 전형성을 강조하기 위한 임의적 표현에 불과하다. 말하자면 이 전시에서 제안한 스타일은 감상자의 주관에 따라 상이하게 읽힐 수 있다.

이 전시는 다큐멘터리 스타일을 한 작가가 구사하는 그만의 고유한 어법으로 가정한다. 하지만 이런 가정은 무너질 수 있다. 그리고 실제 한 개인의 고유한 스타일을 찾아볼 수 있는 다큐멘터리 사진 작업은 점차 줄어들고 있다. 스타일은 모방을 통해 퍼져나가면서 다양성을 확보하는 것일까? 충분히 그럴 수 있다. 게다가 위의 작가들 또한 자기 사진의 스타일을 무수한 모방과 학습의 과정에서 만들어냈다. 말하자면 그들의 사진에는 아우구스트 잔더도 있고, 로버트 프랭크도 있다. 당연히 로버트 프랭크의 사진에도 워커 에반스가 있으며, 다이안 아버스의 사진에도 잔더가 있다. 하지만 정확히 같지는 않다. 마치 스승에게 오래 영향 받은 제자의 스타일이 스승의 그것과 유사하면서도 다른 것처럼 말이다. 결국 문제는 독창성도, 고유함도 아니고, 모방도 아니다. 개인의 스타일은 나의 ‘자아’가 무엇을 수용하여 어떻게 자신의 것으로 승화시켜 내느냐에 달려있다.

따라서 스타일은 ‘자아’의 태도에 따라 결정된다. 외부세계에서 발생하는 무수한 현상들을 때로는 받아들이고 때로는 거부하는 과정에서, 그리고 그 수용과 배척의 방식에 따라 스타일이 형성되는 것이다. 그렇다면 스타일은 단지 형식적 요소들의 집합이 아니라 개인의 모든 것을 규정하는 근원적인 의식의 반영이자 태도의 결과물이라 할 수 있다. 다큐멘터리 스타일에는 결국 사진가의 사고와 세계관, 감성이 집약적으로 농축되어 있는 셈이다.

전시기획자, 박평종(미학, 사진비평)
SunTag Noh

1971 1971 Born in Seoul

1995 B.A. in Political Science and Diplomacy, Konkuk University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2013 OhBuBa, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
2012 Forgetting Machines, Hakgojae, Seoul
........The 11th Dong Gang Photography Award , Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
2010 Really Good, Murder, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Seoul
........Lunatic Fidelity, Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum, Busan
2009 Estat d’excepcio, La Virreina, Barcelona, Spain
2008 State of Emergency, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
2007 Red House, Gallery Lotus, Paju
2006 The StrAnge Ball, Shinhan Gallery, Seoul
2004 Smells Like the Division of the Korean Peninsula, Kim-Young-Seob Gallery, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Korea Artist Prize, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
........Photography and History, Festival of Photography in Museums, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju
........Live Miryang, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
2013 Hermes Foundation Misulsang, Atelier Hermes, Seoul
........Hurroo Hurroo, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2012 Round Table, Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju Biennale Hall, Gwangju
........PUBLIC: Occupied Spaces, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, Canada
........Demonstrations-Making Normative Orders, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany
2010 Art of National Division, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon
........Re-designing the East, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
........Media City Seoul, Trust, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul // MISSING, Robert Goff Gallery, NY, USA
........Criminal Scenes in Korea, Alternative Space LOOP, Seoul
2009 New Political Art in Korea since the 1990’s: Bad Boys Here & Now, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan
2009 Alogon Affair, Gallery Hakgojae, Seoul
2008 39(2), Art Sonje Center, Seoul
........Contemporary Korean Photography: 1948-2008, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
........Heartquake, Socio-Political Contemporary Art Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
2007 BBong-Hwa-Ron, Ssamzie space, Seoul
........Art toward the Society: Realism in Korea Art 1945-2005, Bandaijima Art Museum-Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan
........Surface of War, Center for Peace Museum, Seoul
........Landschaft–Entfernung, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
........Political Design & Design of Politics, Zero One Design center, Seoul // Comical & Cynical, Dawn Center, Osaka, Japan
2006 On Difference#2+Middle Corea, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
2004 The Persisting Moment, MoMA PS1, NY, USA
........The Realing 15 years, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul

Selected Publications
2013 In search of Lost Thermos Bottles, OhmyBook
........Fur of Photography, Cine21books
2012 Forgetting Machines, Chungaram Publishing Co.
2010 Really Good, Murder, KT&G Sangsangmadang
2008 State of Emergency, Hatje Cantz, Germany
2007 Red House, Chungaram Publishing Co.
2006 The StrAnge Ball, Self-publishing
2005 Smells Like the Division of the Korean Peninsula, Dangdae press


National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul | Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon | Daelim Museum, Seoul
The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul | Coreana Museum of Art, Seoul
The May 18 Memorial Foundation, Gwangju | Center for Peace Museum, Seoul
The Art Bank of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon | F.C. Gundlach Collection, Germany


2014 Korea Artist Prize 2014, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
2012 The 11th Dong Gang Photography Award, Dong Gang International Photo Festival
2009 Nominated for German Photo Book Award, Hatje Cantz

HongSoon Park

1965 Born in Wonju

1999 M.F.A. in Photographic Design, Hongik University, Korea
1992 B.A. in German Linguistic & Literature, College of Liberal Arts, Hongik University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2014 River-Nature, ROTUS Gallery, Gyeonggi
........From Baekdu to Nagdonggang(River), SPACE 22, Seoul
2012 Mid-Report of Daedongyeojido Project, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
2010 Paradise in Seoul, Lexus Gallery, Daegu
2008 The West Coast, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
........Paradise in Seoul, Minerva Gallery, Gyeonggi
2007 Paradise in Seoul, 성곡미술관, 서울
2006 Dream Palace, Seodong Gallery, Gwangju / Ssamziegil Gallery, Seoul
2005 Hangang(River), Noam Gallery, Seoul
1999 Baekdudaegan, Chohung Gallery, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 The 13th Dong Gang International Photo Festival, Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
........Photography and Urbanism, Festival of Photography in Museums, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon
2013 Seoul scape, Buk Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
........KT&G SKOP Photography & Photography, KT&G Sangsang Madang Gallery, Seoul
........New Force of photography 2013, Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum, Busan
2012 The Flag Station Photography, Kunstdoc Gallery, Seoul
........Land Scape of Moment, Seongnam Art Center Cube Gallery, Kyonggi
........Nomadic Report 2012, Arko Art Center, Seoul
2011 Memory of Place, Cyan Art Museum, Yeongcheon
........Art in Daejeon, Daejeon Museum of Arts, Daejeon
2010 Under the Guise of Woongu Kang, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
........Residence Parade 3, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon
2009 2009 Photograph Review, Gallery Lux, Seoul
........Surface of Window, Kyoto International Foundation, Kyoto, Japan
........Incheon Art Platform Opening Exhibition, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon
........Ulsan International Photography Festival, Ulsan Culture Art Center, Ulsan
........Art in Busan 2009: Inter-City, Busan Museum of Art, Busan
........Another Masterpiece-New Acquisitions, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan
2008 Sail along Hangang Renaissance, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2007 SongEun Awards Exhibition, Insa Art Center Gallery, Seoul
........New Asian Waves: Thermocline of Art, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
2006 The close of the year Project exhibition, Noam Gallery, Seoul
........Renaissance, Gallery Now, Seoul
2004 Atelier Report, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul
2001 19 Photographers with Calm Land, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
1999 DonggangByulgok, Gana Art Center, Seoul

2012 Mid-Report of Daedongyeojido Project, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
2001 Aboriginality and Autogenesis, Wolganmisool Publications

1999 Baekdudaegan, Noonbit Collections
The Art Bank of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan
The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
SongEun Art and Cultural Foundation, Seoul
The Art Magazine Wolganmisool, Seoul

2009 Selected in Earth Category, The Prix Pictet 2009, UK
2007 SongEun Art Awards, SongEun Art and Cultural Foundation

SungHyun Sohn

1971 Born in Busan

2014 Doctoral Research program, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Hanyang University, Korea
2005 M.F.A. Mason Gross School of the Art, Visual Art-Printmaking, Photography, Video Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, USA
1999 M.F.A. Department of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea
1997 B.F.A. Department of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2014 Bright Shadow, Gallery Sagakhyung, Seoul
2013 History of Life, Global Lounge Gallery, Hanyang University, Ansan
........The Circle Never Ends, Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND, USA
2012 History of Life, Platoon Kunsthalle, Seoul / Global Lounge Gallery, Hanyang University, Ansan
2005 Unification House, Mason Gross School of the Art Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
1999 Shadowy Paradise, D.M.Z.(Old North Korean Labor Party House), Chulwon
1991 Space of Sprit, Chung-Ang University Gallery, Anseong

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Photography and History, Festival of Photography in Museums, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju
2013 The Lost Archives, Gallery EMU, Seoul
........Portrait of Times, Times of Portrait, Seoul Photo Festival, Seoul Metropolitan Museum, Seoul
........WAR+MEMORY, Jeonju Photo Festival, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabukdo, Jeonju
........Chang Won Asian Festival, Sungsan Art hall, Changwon
2012 The wide, Old Tabaco Factory House, Chungju
........Incheon Document Residency Project, Bupyung Art Center, Incheon
........Nomadic program–Time & Space, Arko Art Center, Seoul
........To Confront, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2011 Ksana, Xanadu Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / South Gobi Museum, Dalanzadgad, Mongolia
2010 Redesigning the East, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
2009 Made in Korea, Kaufhof Sinn Leffers, Hanover, Germany
........Hangeul, Sala d’Ercole, Palazzo d’Accursio, Bologna, Italy
2008 Memento Mori, Mokin Gallery, Seoul
2005 RCIPP New Print 2004, Mason Gross School of the Art Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
2004 Unbroken, Denise Bibro Fine Art, NY, USA
Last Summer, Time Square Lobby Gallery, NY, USA
2002 Gwangju Biennale-Project 3: Stay of Execution, 5.18 Liberty Park, Gwangju

Selected Publications
2013 Bright Shadow, April Snow Press
2012 Close Encounters of the Fourth World, GEO Book
2007 The Circle Never End, AGI Book
1999-2002 The Museum of Everyday Life through Korean History (Vol 1-Vol 7), Sakyejul Publishing Co.

Sitting Bull College, ND, USA
5.18 Foundation, Gwangju

Selected Awards
2011 Close Encounters of the Fourth World, 2011 National Book Award, Korea Publication Ethics Commission

GapChul Lee

1959 Born in Jinju

1984 B.F.A. Department of Photography, Shingu University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2009 Conflict and Reaction, Andrew Bae Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA
........GapChul Lee Exhibition, Mok-in Gallery, Seoul
2008 Face of Paris, Gallery LUX, Seoul
2007 Energy, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
2003 The 2nd Dong Gang Photography Award , Yeongwol Student Gymnasium, Yeongwol
2002 GapChul Lee Exhibition, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
1988 Strangers’ Land, Kyung-In Museum of Fine Art, Seoul
1986 Image of the City, Hanmadang Gallery, Seoul
1984 Street Yankees, Hanmadang Gallery, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions
2012 The Origin, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2010 Chaotic Harmony: Korean Contemporary photography, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
2009 Odyssey, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
........Chaotic Harmony: Korean Contemporary photography, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA
2008 Contemporary Korean Photographs: 1948-2008, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
2007 The 1st Biennale des images du Monde Paris, Quai Branly Museum, Paris, France
2005 A Trio of Korean Photographers, Cap City, Paris, France
........Paris Photo Exhibition, Paris, France
2002 Korean Contemporary Photography, Photo gallery, Montpellier, France
2000 Contemporary Korean Photographers-a New Generation, Williams Tower Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
1999 Korea, Our Photograph, Mindset Nowadays, The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul
1998 The History of Korean Photography, Seoul Art Center, Seoul

Selected Publications
2012 GapChul Lee, Youlhwadang
2011 In Autumn, Ryugaheon
2010 Conflict and Reaction, Photonet
2007 Energy, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
2004 Camera Work vol. 1 GapChul Lee, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
2002 Conflict and Reaction, Tarun Sesang

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, USA

2013 The 1st MinShik Choi Award, Hyupsung Cultural Foundation
2008 The 2nd Violet Photographer Award, Korea Savings Bank
2005 The 6th Lee, MyungDong Photograph Award, Korea Press Center
2003 The 2nd Dong Gang Photography Award, Dong Gang International Photo Festival
........Sagamihara Asia Photography Award, Sagamihara, Japan

SangIl Yi

1956 Born in Sancheong

2007 Completed a Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Program of Art∙Culture and Image Media, Busan National University, Korea
1995 M.F.A. Department of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2012 The Absent Island, Jung Jun Ho Gallery, Busan
2011 Mangwol-dong, The 36th Ina Nobuo Award Exhibition, Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
........Mangwol-dong, Kinja Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
2009 O-On (Five Elements), Goeun Contemporary Photo Museum, Busan
........The 8th Dong Gang Photography Award , Yeongwol Student Gymnasium, Yeongwol
2005 Mirror of Memory-Mother the Series, Bukgu Cultural Center, Ulsan
2004 Mirror of Memory-Hometown the Series, Youngkwang Gallery, Busan
2003 Mirror of Memory-Wars the Series, Youngkwang Gallery, Busan
2002 Mementomori, Howart Gallery, Seoul
2000 Mangwol-dong of SangIl Yi, Jeonbuk Art Center, Jeonju
1998 Human and Environment, Daejeon Citizen Hall, Daejeon
1995 Mother, DongA Art Gallery, Daegu
1993 Mangwol-dong, Kumho Cultural Foundation, Gwangju / DongA Art Gallery, Daegu
1992 Onsan Industrial Complex, DongA Art Gallery, Daegu
1990 Mother, Debaek Gallery, Daegu / Nambong Art Gallery, Gwangju
1987 Human Inquiry, Hyundai Art Gallery, Daegu

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Boundary and communication, Onbitt Documentary Photo Exhibition, Shinhan Art Hall, Seoul
2013 Hurroo Hurroo, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2012 The Origin, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2008 Forest, Daegu Photo Biennale, Kyungpuk National University Art Gallery, Daegu
2007 Korean Contemporary Photographers 10, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
2006 Photographic, Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu Art Center, Daegu
2004 The 3rd Dong Gang International Photo Festival, Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
........Document, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2003 50-Year Armistice Exhbition-Division & War, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Suwon
2000 Contemporary Korean Photographers-a New Generation, Williams Tower Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
........ Human, Gwangju Biennale, Nambong Art Gallery, Gwangju
1998 Seoul Photography Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
History of Korean Photography, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
1997 Seoul Photography Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
1996 Asian View, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Horizon of Korean Photos, Hyundai Art Gallery, Seoul
1994 Trend of Korean Modern Photos, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
........Photo and Image, Art Sonje Center, Seoul
1993 Meeting of Young Photographers-Future Colors, Walkerhill Museum, Seoul

Selected Publications
2009 SangIl Yi, Photonet
2002 Mementomori, Samkyung Publishing
2000 SangIl Yi’s Mangwol-dong, Gwangju Biennale Foundation
1995 Mother, See of Thought Publishing

Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Japan | Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol | The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
Gwangju Biennale Foundation, Gwangju | Williams Tower Gallery, USA
Seoul Arts Center, Seoul | Walkerhill Museum, Seoul

2011 The 36th Ina Nobuo Award, Nikon
2009 The 8th Dong Gang Photography Award, Dong Gang International Photo Festival
2000 Gwangju Biennale 1st Prize for Project Exhibits, Gwangju Biennale Foundation
YongSuk Kang

1959 Born in Incheon

1991 M.A. in Visual Communication, Ohio University, OH, USA
1986 M.F.A. Department of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea
1984 B.F.A. Department of Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2010 The 9th Dong Gang Photography Award , Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
2009 The Korean War Monuments, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
........Dongducheon Commemorative Photographs, Gallery M, Seoul
2000 Dongducheon and Maehyang-ri, SK Photo Gallery, Seoul
1999 From the Maehyang-ri, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul / Yong Kwang Gallery, Busan

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Lost in Landscape, Mart Museum, Rovereto TN, Italy
........Photography and History, Festival of Photography in Museum, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju
2013 The Forbidden Garden-DMZ, Gail Art Museum, Gapyeong-gun
2012 The Origin, Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan
2011 Seoul Photo Festival, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2010 Art of National Division: The Flower on the Snow, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon
........Asian Contemporary Photography: Listen to Me, AM Gallery of Contemporary Art Brighton, Brighton, UK
........Present from the Past, Korean Cultural Centre UK, London, UK
2008 Contemporary Korean Photography: 1948-2008, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
........Peppermint Candy: Contemporary Korean Art, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2007 Peppermint Candy: Contemporary Korean Art, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago, Chile
2006 Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu Exco, Daegu
2005 Seoul Photo Triennale II, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2003 Borders and Beyond, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
........The American Effect-Global Perspectives on the United States, 1990-2003, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY, USA
2002 Project 1-Pause Conception, Gwangju Biennale 2002, Gwangju
2001 The Century of Korean Photography-From the Land of Morning Calm, Internationale Fototage, Herten, Germany
2000 Korean Contemporary Art’s Shifting Center: Wandering Bodies on a Shaky Earth, Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul
1999 Seoul-Berlin, Seoul Alive Through the Eyes of Photographers, Kommunale Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1998 The History of Korean Photography, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
1997 97 Korean Photography, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
1994 50 Years of Korean Photography 1945-1994, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
1993 Observation and Intervention, Seoul Art Center, Seoul
1992 The Horizontal Line of Korean Photography II, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
1991 Dr. Peter Smith (the Veterinarian), Seigfred Gallery, Athens, OH, USA
1983 NANAM Group Photo Exhibition, Kwan-Hun Gallery, Seoul

2010 Kang Yong Suk, Dong Gang Museum of Photography
2009 The Korean War Monuments, The Museum of Photography, Seoul
1999 From the Maehyang-ri, Noonbit

Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
The Museum of Photography, Seoul
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

2010 The 9th Dong Gang Photography Award, Dong Gang International Photo Festival

SangYeup Lee

1967 Born in Seoul

1992 B.A. Department of Political Science, Konkuk University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2013 Frontie, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
2010 Odd Forest D.M.Z., Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
2008 Into Hot Light, Gallery Rue, Seoul
........Days in Cheonggye, Alternative Space Geonhi, Seoul
2007 Landscape with Lenin, Artbit Gallery, Seoul
........China Project 1997~2006, Gallery Now, Seoul / Goto Gallery, Daegu / Yeong Gwang Gallery, Busan
2005 Asia, Naver Photo GalleryN / Gallery Bresson, Seoul
2004 The far-off Silk Road, Suyu+NeoMeoN, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Full Moon: a Story of Sky and Earth, Daegu Photo Bienneale, Daegu Culture & Art center, Daegu
2014 Abyss, Gallery Now, Seoul
2013 Changwon Asian Art Festival, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon
2012 Pride of Place, Yeosu International Art Festival, Expo Special exhibition hall, Yeosu
2010 One Photo Exhibition, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
........Document Four Major Rivers, Document Photo Exhibition-RiverRiverRiverRiver, Ryugaheon Mainly photograph’s Gallery, Seoul
........Present from the Past, Korean Cultural Center, London, UK
2009 Vietnam-Korea Friendship Photo Exhibition, Vietnam Museum of Revolution, Hochiminh, Vietnam
........Earth Alert: Photographic Responses to Climate Change, Korean Cultural Center, London, UK / Daelim Museum, Seoul
2008 Island, Gwangju Museum Gallery GMA, Seoul
2007 Surface of War, Center for Peace Museum, Seoul
2006 Media Clash, Art space Hue, Seoul
2005 Conjunction Points: Asian Photography & Film Exhibition, JeollaNamdo City hall, Junnam
2004 The 3rd Dong Gang International Photo Festival, Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
2000 Young Photographer Exhibition, Daegu Citiizen Hall, Daegu

Selected Publications
2014 The Last Language, Bookmentor
2012 New Silk Road I II, Association of Korean Journalists
2011 From the Pamir to Yunnan, Hyeonnamsa
2010 How to Live as a Photographer, Imagine
2008 An Entertaining Photo Book of SangYeup Lee, Ireun achim
........Days in Cheonggye, Ireun achim
2007 Landscape with Lenin, Sanchaekja
........China 1997~2006, Noonbit
2006 Leave Holding an Old Camera 2, Chungarammedia
2005 There Are Expressions That We’ve Lost In That Place, Dongnyok
2003 Silk Road Exploration Humanities Series ‘Exploration and Walk’ 20, Namu Book
2002 Beyond the East Timor, E-BOOK series, BookTopia
Gao Xianzhi, E-BOOK series, BookTopia

The War Memorial of Korea, Seoul
Center for Peace Museum, Seoul
Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol
GyeongGi Cultural Foundation, Suwon

2013 The Grand Exhibition Prize, 5th Dali International Photography Exhibition, China
2006 Now Photograph Award, Gallery Now
2002 The Best Essay of the Year, Korean Library Association

MyungDuck Joo

1940 Born in Shinwon, Hwanghae Province

1961 B.F.A. Department of History, Kyung Hee University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions/
2012 The Abstract in Photography, Gallery Ihn, Seoul
2011 My Motherland-Although there is nothing left, Daelim Museum, Seoul
........Lost Landscape, Trunk Gallery, Seoul
2009 MyungDuck Joo Photography II-LANDSCAPE, Daelim Museum, Seoul
2008 MyungDuck Joo Photography I-CITYSCAPE, Daelim Museum, Seoul
2007 MyungDuck Joo Photography Exhibition-Vintage Print, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul
........Portrait of Memory, Circulo De Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain
2006 MyungDuck Joo: a Retrospective, Art Sonje Center, Gyeongju
2005 Landscapes, Gallery Ihn, Seoul
2004 Townscape, Gallery Zandari, Seoul
2002 Incheon Chinatown 1986, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Seoul
1999 An Die Photographie, Kumho Museum, Seoul
1995 Korea Space, AICHI Arts Center, Nagoya, Japan
1989 Landscape, Seoul Museum, Seoul
1987 Photographer of the Month, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
1981 Korea’s Lyrical, Lotte Museum, Seoul
1972 Dedication, Sinsegye Museum, Seoul
1966 Harry Holt Memorial Orphanage, Center Information Officer, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 Photography and History, Festival of Photography in Museum, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju
2011 The Record of Life, Lotte Gallery, Seoul
2010 21&Their Times, Kumho Museum, Seoul
2007 Geonhi’s Village, Alternative Space Geonhi, Seoul
2003 Eyes of Six-Code of Six, Sungkok Museum, Seoul
2002 Bonchang Koo, ByungHun Min, MyungDuck Joo Photography Exhibition, Kumho Museum, Seoul
1998 The History of Korean Photography Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
........Alienation and Assimilation-Contemporary Image and Installation from the Republic of Korea, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
........Asiatiska Fotografer, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden
........98’ City and Media, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
1996 Photography-New Perspective, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
1995 Photography, Today’s Phase, Art Sonje Center, Gyeongju
1994 Seoul: Portraits in Legend and Place, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
The Flow of Korean Modern Photography, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul

Selected Publications
2002 Seoul Essay, Youlhwadang
2000 1999/2000 Seoul-Urban Morphology and Landscape, Seoul
........Early Photographs by MyungDuck Joo, Si Gak
1996 1995/1996 Seoul-Urban Morphology and Landscape, Seoul
1993 SungChol-the Great Buddhist Monk, Jang Gyeonggak
1981 Soo Wonseong, Gwangjang

Selected Collections
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Gwacheon
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Gallery Ihn, Seoul

2012 The 1st Place in Contemporary Category, the 4th Seoul Culture Today’s Culture Awards
2010 Culture and Arts Paradise Award
