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전시제목 삼선쓰레빠블루스 Three-line Slippers Blues
전시기간 2015. 2. 23 ~ 3. 8
전시장소 사진갤러리 루시다 Gallery Lucida, Jinju, Korea
갤러리 주소 경남 진주시 호탄길 10 (055-759-7165)
작가 홈페이지
갤러리 홈페이지
In Korean school, there is the most favorite thing that every student loves. That is the three-line slipper. This product is an imitation of the well-known sporting goods. Surprisingly enough, it is much more popular than the original one and it becomes a kind of cultural thing among Korean students. I think this cultural phenomenon is the reflection of our education system because there is a similarity between them. So to speak, Korean education system has just copied the curriculum from other developed countries’ and it has changed more than eight times since 1955. Even worse, it is not systematically examined by the policy makers and they have reproduced the education system without any sincere introspection. So the current education system is not our own. It is something borrowed or fake, not the real one.
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
  • ⓒ김석진 Kim, Seokjin
Three-line Slippers Blues

In Korean school, there is the most favorite thing that every student loves. That is the three-line slipper. This product is an imitation of the well-known sporting goods. Surprisingly enough, it is much more popular than the original one and it becomes a kind of cultural thing among Korean students. I think this cultural phenomenon is the reflection of our education system because there is a similarity between them. So to speak, Korean education system has just copied the curriculum from other developed countries’ and it has changed more than eight times since 1955. Even worse, it is not systematically examined by the policy makers and they have reproduced the education system without any sincere introspection. So the current education system is not our own. It is something borrowed or fake, not the real one.

Over the past few decades, the whole person training including intellectual, moral and physical education is one of the main purposes in Korean education but it turns out to be an illusion. However, ironically, what Korean students have learned from the school is Desire, Competition, and Adaptation. So my questions start from here. Why are Korean students aiming at seeking material value? Where are the original purposes of the education? When was the time Korean education lost their originality and started to copy others?

For years, I have observed the process how the students can learn about their desire, competition, and adaptation in the school which needs to pursue an educational value. At first, I think it is because the school itself has limits but it is not. Moreover, it is not because of the systematic problem. That's because the implanted value to students is internalized and intensified by students themselves. So, it seems that this educational phenomenon keeps reproducing itself increasingly.

As a history teacher and photographer, my primary concern is based on inner side of my students and I want to record their pain through the school life and the process of their socialization. So, finally, I expect to empathize on their voices and try to help them find their self-realization.

전국의 학생들이 똑같이 애용하는 학생용 물품이 하나 있으니 바로 삼선쓰레빠다. 이 제품은 유명 스포츠용품 회사의 생산품을 무단으로 카피한 것으로 원작보다 더 큰 히트를 기록했고, 이제는 교육계에서 하나의 문화로 자리 잡았다. 학교에서 삼선쓰레빠를 신고 돌아다니는 학생들을 보며 나는 우리나라 교육의 현재를 느꼈다. 시작부터 다른나라의 교육과정을 그대로 수용하여 8차례가 넘는 수정과정을 거쳐야 했으며, 여전히 외국의 교육 방법이라면 제대로 된 검증도 하지 않은 채 도입하려는 짝퉁이 바로 그것이다. 지 ․ 덕 ․ 체를 겸비한 전인의 양성은 벌써 몇십년째 우리나라의 교육목표로서 확고한 위상을 차지하고 있지만 그것은 어디까지나 허상일 뿐, 실제로 학교에서 학생들이 학습하는 것은 욕망 ․ 경쟁 ․ 순응이다. 지덕체를 표방한 진짜는 어디로 가고 학생들이 지양해야할 가치만을 지향하게 만들어버린 것일까? 언제부터 우리교육은 가짜 삼선쓰레빠를 신고 걷게 되었을까?
학교라는 사회화의 공간에서 순수한 가치를 추구해야할 학생들이 욕망과 경쟁과 순응을 배워가는 모습을 몇 년간 지켜보며 학교라는 공간의 한계를 지적하기도 했지만 그것은 단순히 구조상의 문제만은 아니었다. 학생들은 시간이 지날수록 주입된 가치를 내면화하고 더욱 심화시켜갔기 때문이다. 수동적인 수용뿐 아니라 능동적인 응용이 이뤄지고 있는 현재 학생들의 내면을 살펴보며 그들이 겪고 있는 사회화의 통증을 기록하고 싶었다.
김석진 Kim, Seokjin

- 경상대학교 사범대학 역사교육과 졸업
- 2011 2030청년작가, 2012 제2회 온빛 사진상 수상
- 개인전 : 지속되는 과도기, 삼선쓰레빠블루스
- 단체전 : 11인의 스투디움 혹은 푼크툼전, 2011 2030청년작가전, 타자들의 은유, 경계와 소통 등
