Being at the right place at the right time is usually associated with happiness and success. But what happens when we are at the right place at the wrong time? Do we even know that this is the right place? And what if it turns out that it is the wrong place after all? But the right time!
Whoever loses his orientation over this thought will get a feeling for Robert Rutöd’s latest pictures.
The Vienna-born photographer wandered for few years through Europe and has proven to be a keen observer with an often tragicomic view: The blind man who finds orientation by putting his stick in a tram track, the helpless swan that finds itself frozen to the vast stretch of ice, or the amputee operator of a shooting range set up in a ruined building. It gets macabre with the portraits of the Pope, Hitler and Mussolini decorating the labels of wine bottles.
Being at the right place at the right time is usually associated with happiness and success. But what happens when we are at the right place at the wrong time? Do we even know that this is the right place? And what if it turns out that it is the wrong place after all? But the right time!
Whoever loses his orientation over this thought will get a feeling for Robert Rutöd’s latest pictures.
The Vienna-born photographer wandered for few years through Europe and has proven to be a keen observer with an often tragicomic view: The blind man who finds orientation by putting his stick in a tram track, the helpless swan that finds itself frozen to the vast stretch of ice, or the amputee operator of a shooting range set up in a ruined building. It gets macabre with the portraits of the Pope, Hitler and Mussolini decorating the labels of wine bottles.
“Right Time Right Place is a collection of photographs I made in the last few years on my travels
through Europe. The images revolve around the question of whether it is possible for a person to be in the right place at the right time. Is the ideal state of space and time something we are awarded or is it a state we have long been living in without being aware of our good fortune? I hope I have not succeeded in answering this question. Nothing fails more pathetically than an artist’s attempt to explain the world and its relationships. Rather, my work leads to the conclusion that the world cannot be explained. Once an exhibition visitor in New York told me that, when viewing my photos, she felt that the protagonists seemed to be kind of disobedient. I really liked that interpretation.“
„What Robert Rutöd brings to the contemporary photographic dialogue is that intangible ability to see the world with a skewed lens - a lens that is compassionate and at the same time, unkind. It is a lens that is the stuff of operas and nightmares, comedies and slapstick. Robert finds that split second of humor or truth telling and that instant of social documentation or absurdity that makes us not only laugh at ourselves, but also laugh and feel embarrassed all at the same time. Or should I say, at The Right Time.“ (Aline Smithson, from the foreword to the book Right Time Right Place)
Right Time Right Place was awarded the Special Prize of the Czech Center of Photography at Photo Annual Awards 2012. A photo from the series won the New York Photo Award 2012 in the category Fine Art
지정된 옳은 장소, 약속된 시간에 만나는 일상과 현상은 자연스럽다. 그러나 시간과 장소 중 그 하나가 어그러져 버리면 어떻게 될까? 시간의 오류 속에 약속된 장소에 있게 된다면 그 장소를 옳은 장소라고 생각할 수 있을까? 반대로 약속된 시간, 장소의 오류가 생긴다면 어떻게 될까?
이러한 생각에 몰입한 경험이 있는 사람이라면 누구나 Robert Rutoed(로버트 루퇴드)의 최근 작품들에 공감을 할 것이다. 비엔나 출생의 이 사진작가는 몇 년 동안 유럽 곳곳을 다니며, 희비극적인 모습에 대한 예리한 관찰자임을 보여 주었다: 트램 선로에 지팡이를 짚어 방향을 찾는 맹인 남성, 광활하게 펼쳐진 얼음 위로 얼어붙어 있는 듯 옴짝달싹 할 수 없는 백조, 폐허가 된 건물에 마련된 사격지를 찾은 다리가 절단된 남성. 교황, 히틀러, 무솔리니의 초상사진들이 라벨로 붙은 포도주 병들이 일렬로 늘어서 있는 모습은 시공간의 불일치를 통해 낯섦과 섬뜩함마저 부여한다.
Whoever loses his orientation over this thought will get a feeling for Robert Rutöd’s latest pictures.
The Vienna-born photographer wandered for few years through Europe and has proven to be a keen observer with an often tragicomic view: The blind man who finds orientation by putting his stick in a tram track, the helpless swan that finds itself frozen to the vast stretch of ice, or the amputee operator of a shooting range set up in a ruined building. It gets macabre with the portraits of the Pope, Hitler and Mussolini decorating the labels of wine bottles.
“Right Time Right Place is a collection of photographs I made in the last few years on my travels
through Europe. The images revolve around the question of whether it is possible for a person to be in the right place at the right time. Is the ideal state of space and time something we are awarded or is it a state we have long been living in without being aware of our good fortune? I hope I have not succeeded in answering this question. Nothing fails more pathetically than an artist’s attempt to explain the world and its relationships. Rather, my work leads to the conclusion that the world cannot be explained. Once an exhibition visitor in New York told me that, when viewing my photos, she felt that the protagonists seemed to be kind of disobedient. I really liked that interpretation.“
„What Robert Rutöd brings to the contemporary photographic dialogue is that intangible ability to see the world with a skewed lens - a lens that is compassionate and at the same time, unkind. It is a lens that is the stuff of operas and nightmares, comedies and slapstick. Robert finds that split second of humor or truth telling and that instant of social documentation or absurdity that makes us not only laugh at ourselves, but also laugh and feel embarrassed all at the same time. Or should I say, at The Right Time.“ (Aline Smithson, from the foreword to the book Right Time Right Place)
Right Time Right Place was awarded the Special Prize of the Czech Center of Photography at Photo Annual Awards 2012. A photo from the series won the New York Photo Award 2012 in the category Fine Art
지정된 옳은 장소, 약속된 시간에 만나는 일상과 현상은 자연스럽다. 그러나 시간과 장소 중 그 하나가 어그러져 버리면 어떻게 될까? 시간의 오류 속에 약속된 장소에 있게 된다면 그 장소를 옳은 장소라고 생각할 수 있을까? 반대로 약속된 시간, 장소의 오류가 생긴다면 어떻게 될까?
이러한 생각에 몰입한 경험이 있는 사람이라면 누구나 Robert Rutoed(로버트 루퇴드)의 최근 작품들에 공감을 할 것이다. 비엔나 출생의 이 사진작가는 몇 년 동안 유럽 곳곳을 다니며, 희비극적인 모습에 대한 예리한 관찰자임을 보여 주었다: 트램 선로에 지팡이를 짚어 방향을 찾는 맹인 남성, 광활하게 펼쳐진 얼음 위로 얼어붙어 있는 듯 옴짝달싹 할 수 없는 백조, 폐허가 된 건물에 마련된 사격지를 찾은 다리가 절단된 남성. 교황, 히틀러, 무솔리니의 초상사진들이 라벨로 붙은 포도주 병들이 일렬로 늘어서 있는 모습은 시공간의 불일치를 통해 낯섦과 섬뜩함마저 부여한다.