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2015.11.14 21:31

이경희 Kyunghee Lee

조회 수 362 추천 수 0 댓글 0
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전시제목 Life from Time-Space
전시기간 2015. 11. 7 ~ 11. 30
전시장소 꽃골 아트갤러리, Kkod Gol Art gallery, Jinju Korea
갤러리 주소 경상남도 진주시 정촌면 화개리 968 (055-761-5344)
작가 홈페이지
갤러리 홈페이지
My interest is in time and space. The interest is not only the progress of science but also the fundamental of human beings. I have questions like ‘Who am I?’, ‘Where do I come from?’. Us, human-beings have been considered the center of universe since the Modern era. But let’s think differently and change perspectives by looking at ourselves from the universe. We are not actually the center of the universe. We are just in the flow of substances. If we are able to see ourselves from the perspective of outer space, we would be more humble and have more respect for other lives. We would be more cordial to each other and have more dignity for ourselves by recognizing that it took a long-long time of the harmonious universe order for us to be present. This recognition is very important and could become the words of comfort to cope with daily traumas we face. This portfolio is about my very personal interest and contemplation on ‘Life from Time-Space’.
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 1_100x150cm_2010_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 2_60x90cm_2010_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 3_60x90cm_2010_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 4_60x90cm_2012_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 5_60x90cm_2012_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 6_60x90cm_2012_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 7_60x90cm_2013_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 8_60x90cm_2007_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 9_60x90cm_2010_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 10_100x150cm_2013_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 11_60x90cm_2011_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 12_60x90cm_2012_Pigment Print _Lamina
  • ⓒ이경희 Kyunghee Lee
    Life from Time-Space 13_100x150cm_2011_Pigment Print _Lamina
Life from Time-Space

오랫동안 시간과 공간에 관심을 가져왔다. 이 관심은 과학의 발달뿐만 아니라, 보다 근원적인 인간 존재 본연에 관한 것이다. 나는 누구인가, 어디로부터 온 것 인가. 인간은 근대 이후로 우주의 중심에 있어 왔다. 하지만 관점을 바꾸어서 우주로부터 자신을 바라보자. 인간은 우주의 중심에 있지 않다. 우리는 물질의 흐름 속에 있다. 만약 자신을 우주 밖에서 바라볼 수만 있다면 우리는 더욱 겸손해질 것이며 다른 생명도 함께 존중되어야 함을 느낄 것이다. 우리 존재가 조화로운 우주의 질서로부터 기나긴 시간을 거쳐 왔다는 사실을 인식하는 순간, 개개 생명이 얼마나 귀중한지를 새삼 다시 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 이 인식이야말로 매우 중요하며 매일같이 직면하는 일상의 상처로부터 잘 대항할 수 있는 위로가 될 것이다. 이 작업은 ‘시공간으로부터의 생명’에 대한 지극한 사적 관심과 응시로부터 나왔다.

My interest is in time and space. The interest is not only the progress of science but also the fundamental of human beings. I have questions like ‘Who am I?’, ‘Where do I come from?’. Us, human-beings have been considered the center of universe since the Modern era. But let’s think differently and change perspectives by looking at ourselves from the universe. We are not actually the center of the universe. We are just in the flow of substances. If we are able to see ourselves from the perspective of outer space, we would be more humble and have more respect for other lives. We would be more cordial to each other and have more dignity for ourselves by recognizing that it took a long-long time of the harmonious universe order for us to be present. This recognition is very important and could become the words of comfort to cope with daily traumas we face. This portfolio is about my very personal interest and contemplation on ‘Life from Time-Space’.
The Review of Exhibition by John McDonald, Art Critic of The Sydney Morning Herald

. Matters are not so clean-cut in “Life from Time-Space”, by South Korean photographer, KYUNGHEE LEE, at the Pine Street Creative Arts Centre (until May 15). Lee's photos are low-keyed and oblique, often giving the impression of being snapped from a moving vehicle. The artist wants to look at human life from the perspective of the universe, rather than adopt the classic idea that "man is the measure of all things".
When the view is reversed we seem like small, fragile particles, hardly more notable than the ragged silhouettes of birds that seem to have been torn from the shadows of trees. Lee says she didn't intend to take melancholy photos, but how can we not feel sad to be displaced from our centrality by the vast impersonal forces of the cosmos?

이번 작업은 2015년 5월, 호주 시드니의 [Head On Photo Festival 2015]에 Featured Artist로 초대된 작업입니다. “The Sydney Morning Herald”의 Art Critic, John McDonald가 제 전시 "Life from Time-Space" 에 대해 다음과 같이 언급했습니다. [Head On Photo Festival]은 매년 5월 한달 간, 호주의 시드니 전역 90여개의 공공장소 및 사유장소에서 150여개의 전시와 이벤트가 열리는 사진축제입니다 
이경희 Kyunghee Lee


Kyunghee Lee, from Busan, Korea, holds BA in Pharmacy and is a Ph.D of Art from Busan National University. She has held 12 private and over 20 group exhibitions, and published her first book 'island' in 2008 (Toseisha, Japan) which was invited for book signing at the Paris Photo 2008 and published her second book 'The seventh sense'in 2012 (Toseisha, Japan). Her work has been shown by the Lianzhou, Yansui, Dali, Pingyao International Photo Festival of China, and Fotoweek DC, Wash. DC, BurnGallery show, NY of USA, etc. And also shown in [burn.01] in print. She had book-signing and presentation in HongKong Photobook Fair this March and is invited to the exhibition of Head On Photo Festival in Sydney this May.

한국 부산 태생의 이경희는 약학을 전공했으며, 2014년 국립부산대학에서 예술학 박사학위를 받았다. 그녀는 현재까지 12차례의 개인전과 20여 차례의 그룹전을 가졌다. 2008년 일본 冬靑社 (Toseisha)에서 첫 사진집 『island』를 발간했으며, 그 해 「PARIS PHOTO, 2008」 북 사인회에 초대 받았다. 2012년 11월에는 일본 冬靑社 (Toseisha)에서 두 번째 사진집 『The Seventh Sense』를 발간했다. 그녀의 작품은 중국의 리엔조, 얀쉐이, 따리, 핑야오 등의 국제사진축제에 소개되었으며, 미국 워싱턴DC의 포토위크 DC와 뉴욕의 BURN 갤러리에 전시되었고, 2010년에는 Burn Magazine Print인 『BURN. 01』에 발간되었다. 2015년 3월에는 홍콩 포토북 페어의 북 사인회와 프리젠테이션, 5월에는 호주 시드니의 HEAD ON PHOTO FESTIVAL 전시에 Featured artist로 초대받았다.


Solo Exhibitions
2015 [Life from Time-Space] Gotgol Art Gallery, JINJU, Korea
2015 [Life from Time-Space] Pine Street Creative Arts Centre, Sydney, Australia
2015 [BEING] Arts pool Samjin Museum, Changwon, Korea
2014 「Sea and Wind」, Tosei Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 [Asphalt Islnd]Toyota Art Space, Busan, Korea
2010 [island] KBS gallery, Seoul, Korea
2010 [Re-tour] Sol Beach Hotel Gallery, Yangyang, Kanwondo, Korea
2010 [island] Kookmin PB center Gallery, Bundang, Seoul, Korea
2010 [island] Now Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 [Re-tour] Kookmin PB center Gallery, Busan, Korea
2008 [Norway, my island] Shin Han PB center Gallery, Seou, Koreal
2008 [Re- tour] Shin Han Art Hall, Seoul, Korea

Invited and Temporary Exhibition
2013 [The Seventh Eye], Korean Cultural Center, Tokyo, Japan
2011 [BURN-ed GARDEN], San Anonio, TX. USA
2010 [SEOUL PHOTO 2010], COEX, Seoul, Korea
2010 [Contemporary Art in Ulsan], Ulsan, Korea
2009 [Fotoweek DC 2009] Washinton D.C. USA
2009 [Burn Gallery show] New York. USA
2009 [Lianzhou International Photo Festival 2009] Guangdong province, China
2009 [6th Yansui International Photo Festival] Zhejiang province, China
2009 [The 8th China Photographic art festival
& 2009 DALI International Photography Exhibition], Yunnan Province, China
2009 [Art in Busan 2009, Inter-City] Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
2009 Seoul International Photography Festival 2009, [Beyond Passion] Garden five, Seoul, Korea
2008 [island] "Paris Photo 2008" Book-signing Paris, France
2008 [Norway, my island] Shin Han PB center Gallery, Seoul

E-magazine published
2014 [island], [New York, I dreamt], etc. on LensCulture
2013 Book [island] published on [Landscapes Stories] in Italy.
2011 [communication] published at 'Humanfiles Journal'
2009 [New York, I dreamt]Published on Burn(e-Magazine)directed by David Alan Harvey(Magnum) on 9th Jul.
2009 [island] Published on [Burn] (e-Magazine) directed by David Alan Harvey(Magnum) on 7th.Jan.2009
2009 [2009 Virtual Gallery show] Geonhi Culture Foundation, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibitions
2010 [Standing on New Year], Busan Museum of Art
2010 [Seoul Photo Fair 2010]
2009 [Post Magnum] M Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 [Hajee], Haeundae Cultural Center, Busan Korea
2009 [Seoul Photo Fair 2009]
2009 [Standing on New Year], Busan Museum of Art
2008 [Korea-China-Japan Exchange Exhibition] Yanbian University, China,
2008 [Standing on New Year], Busan Museum of Art
2008 [Beautiful Concern Exhibition] by Women Fund
2008 [True Exhibiion] by Art & Company, Seoul, Shin Han Art Hall
2008 [island], slide-show at Look3, Festival of Photograph, Charlottesville, Virginia USA
2008 [Beautiful people], Jagalchee Gallery, Busan, Korea
2007 [Spring Art Fair], Seoul Art Center
2007 [A Corner], Seoul, GS Tower
2007 [The longest journey], Busan Design Center
2007 [Open the Dong Dae Mun], Seoul Gallery Cafe-Bresson
2007 [”5x7", Talk photography], Seoul Gallery Cafe-Bresson
2006 [Street Fighters], Seoul Gallery On
2006 [Railroad, Donghae nambusun], Busan Citizen Hall
2006 [”5x7", Talk photography], Seoul Gallery Cafe-Bresson
2005 [Wow-Book Festival, Cut the time], Seoul
2005 [Busan International Environment Art Festival], Busan
2005[Home] BIEAF (Busan (Busan International Environment Art Festival)

2008 One of The Best Photo-essayists 17 photographers of 'Emerging Photographer Fund' by BURN
2007 The First Prize of David Alan Harvey Workshop With Korea Magnum Agency,

Completed Workshops
2009 Beach Home Editions by David Alan Harvey
2009 New York Loft workshop by David Alan Harvey
2008 Magnum Workshop Oslo, master class completion by Magnum, Oslo, Norway
2008 ICP workshop (Portraying people) master class completion by Mary Ellen Mark
2007 Magnum workshop in Seoul, Korea

[The Seventh Sense No. 9] Goeun Museum of Photography
[island, No.3] Kook Min Bank
[island, No.11] Kook Min Bank
[island, No.4] The Man Corporation
[Re-tour, No.14]Yanbian University, China
And some private collections

Book Collections
The museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Hirsch Library, Houston, U.S.A.
ICP Center, New York, USA
Busan Museum of Art, Library
Busan National University, Library

Published Photo-books
2014 [The time capsule in Busan]] by Urban Culture of Busan Network
2013 [The Side of Mountain Roads in Busan] by Urban Culture of Busan Network
2012 [The Seventh Sense] by Kyunghee Lee, Toseisha, Tokyo, Japan
2010 [Markets in Busan ] by Urban Culture of Busan Network
2010 [Burn. 01] Burn, USA
2009 [Buseok Temple, letter to Seunmyo] Kyoung Buk Photo-essay 2009, By Kyoung sang buk do
2009 [Bus, People and Busan] by Urban Culture of Busan Network
2009 [The National Road No.7] by Ilu, Davinch
2008 [island] photobook by Kyunghee Lee, Tosei-sha, Tokyo, Japan
2008 [2008 Busan Photography]by Urban Culture of Busan Network and Davinchi publishing co.
2006 'Railroad, Donghae Nambusun' by ILu
2005 'Cut the time' by Ilu
2005 'BUSAN 10/30' by Urban Culture of Busan Network

2013 Ph. D of Art, Text[The Ontological Study of Fantasy and Temporality in Photography].
