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2017 08
2017.05.14 18:22

바바라 클렘 Barbara Klemm

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전시제목 빛과 어둠 - 독일 사진 Light and Dark Photographs from Germany
전시기간 2017. 5. 20 ~ 8. 9
전시장소 고은사진미술관 GoEun Museum of Photography, Busan
오프닝 2017. 5. 20 (토) 18:00 / 고은사진미술관
작가와의 만남 2017. 5. 21 (일) 14:00 / 고은사진미술관
작가 홈페이지
갤러리 홈페이지
기타 “The Exhibition is organized by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, in collaboration with Goethe Institute Korea and with the participation of
GoEun Museum of Photography and Gyeongnam Art Museum, for the presentation in Korea.”
“이 전시는 ifa에서 기획했고, 한국 전시를 위해 주한독일문화원이 협력하고 고은사진미술관과 경남도립미술관이 참여한다.”
GoEun Museum of Photography is celebrating its 10th anniversary with "The Beginning and Beginning" project in 2017 to 2018, marking yet another start as it commemorates the moment of its first beginning. The integrated project will present a vision for the new future, as it looks back at the last 10 years of GoEun Museum of Photography, while it recalls Korean photography over the years from an art historical point of view. “The Begining and Begining” is on exhibit internationally for the first time, and the project is commencing with the masterpieces of photojournalism’s living legend, Babara Klemm. The exhibition, Barbara Klemm, Light and Dark - Photographs from Germany was planned by the German International Communications Agency (hencefore referred to as ifa) in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut in Korea, and is touring internationally. It makes its debut in Korea at the GoEun Museum of Photography, and the exhibition will then move to the Gyeongnam Art Museum.
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    At the Reichstag, West-Berlin, 1987
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Fraternal Kiss between Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker, Marking Thirty Years of East Germany, East Berlin, 1979
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Helmut Kohl in Dresden, 19 December 1989
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    The Fall of the Wall, Berlin, 10 November 1989
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Leonid Brezhnev, Willy Brandt, Bonn, 1973
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Mikhail Gorbachev on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Founding of East Germany, East Berlin, 1989
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Andy Warhol, Frankfurt am Main, 1981
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Alfred Hitchcock, Frankfurt am Main, 1972
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Opening of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 22 December 1989
  • ⓒBarbara Klemm, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.
    Official Visit of Erich Honecker to West Germany, Bonn, 1987
고은사진미술관은 개관 10주년을 맞아 시작의 순간을 돌아보면서 또 하나의 새로운 시작을 알리는 “시작과 시작” 프로젝트를 2017년과 2018년에 걸쳐 진행한다. 이것은 고은사진미술관의 지난 10년을 돌아보는 동시에 그 동안의 한국사진을 미술관의 관점에서 점검하면서 새로운 미래의 비전을 제시하는 통합 프로젝트이다. “시작과 시작”의 첫 번째 해외교류전은 포토저널리즘의 살아있는 전설인 바바라 클렘의 작품으로 시작한다. 독일국제교류처 (이하 ifa)가 기획하고, 주한독일문화원이 협력하는 세계순회전 《바바라 클렘, 빛과 어둠 - 독일 사진》1 은 한국 최초로 고은사진미술관에서 소개되며, 고은사진미술관 전시 이후 경남도립미술관에서도 선보일 예정이다.

바바라 클렘은 독일의 대표적인 일간지 프랑크푸르터 알게마이네 차이퉁(FAZ)에서 40년 이상을 사진기자로 활동하면서 자신만의 원칙과 스타일을 가지고 포토저널리즘을 예술적 차원으로 끌어올린 사진가이다. 이번에 소개되는 작품은 수십 년간 분단국가였던 독일이 겪어낸 역사의 변화과정은 물론 최근에 이르기까지 다양한 독일의 현대사를 담고 있는 흑백사진 120여점이다. 특히 이번 전시에서는 통일 전후의 중요한 정치적 사건, 사회적 ∙ 문화적 이슈를 포착하면서 독일 현대사의 상징적 이미지로 자리잡은 사진은 물론, 정치가나 사회저명인사 외에도 앤디 워홀, 알프레드 히치콕, 나딘 고디머 등 예술가의 초상사진도 만나볼 수 있다. 전시는 공식회담이나 국제 조약, 데모나 시위사진, 대중집회, 이주민의 삶 등 독일 격변기의 민감한 사안과 긴장되는 순간뿐 아니라 평범한 일상의 순간과 다양한 문화 행사 그리고 도시의 공간을 포착하면서 사회의 모든 영역에서 촬영한 사진을 아우른다.

바바라 클렘의 사진은 사회 전체의 패러다임은 물론 사회의 개별적 상황도 구체적으로 보여준다. 특정한 사건의 본질을 본능적으로 파악하는 그녀의 탁월함은 사진 속에 포착된 순간보다 더 많은 의미와 이야기를 전달한다. 그녀의 사진과 그 속에 담긴 다양한 의미와 이야기의 해석은 오로지 독자의 몫으로 남겨진다. 신문기사의 정확한 보도를 목적으로 촬영된 그녀의 사진이 계속해서 소개되고, 회자되며, 하나의 작품으로 인정받는 이유도 바로 그 때문이다. 특히 베를린 장벽의 붕괴에서 통일에 이르는 사진은 바바라 클렘의 작업에서 드라마틱한 정점을 보여준다. 그녀의 초창기 사진이 독일이 통일로 향하는 변화의 흐름을 추적했다면, 후기 사진은 새로운 질서의 결과를 보다 면밀하게 관찰한다.

바바라 클렘이 사진기자로서뿐만 아니라 사진가로서 독보적인 존재가 될 수 있었던 것은 그녀가 자신만의 개성과 스타일을 가지고 작업했기 때문이다. 그녀는 스스로 밝혔듯이 누구보다도 “자신의 입장과 방향성을 분명히 알고 있었고, 거기에 충실하게 작업하되 주제와의 일정한 거리를 유지”했기 때문에, 누구나 볼 수 있는 것을 기록하면서도 그 안에서 다른 사람들은 미처 발견하지 못한 것을 끌어낼 수 있었던 것이다. 특정한 사건과 장면을 명확하고 쉽게 보여주어야 하는 사진기자로서의 사명감을 잃지 않으면서도 대상을 자신만의 독창적인 해석으로 발전시킬 수 있는 능력 또한 바바라 클렘이 가지고 있는 미덕이다. 순간을 포착하면서도 완벽한 비율을 자랑하는 구성력과 균형, 단순함 그리고 사진의 선명도 보다는 흑백의 깊이나 분위기를 중시하는 그녀의 원칙이 대중의 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있는 힘은 아니었을까?

고은사진미술관은 개관 10주년을 맞아 2017년의 첫 번째 해외교류전으로 바바라 클렘의 작업을 선보이게 된 것을 무한한 기쁨으로 생각한다. 이 전시를 위해 많은 분들의 도움이 있었다. 우선 이 전시에 많은 관심과 끊임 없는 열정을 보여준 사진가 바바라 클렘에게 진심으로 감사를 드린다. 다음으로 이 전시를 기획한 독일에서 가장 유서 깊은 최고의 해외문화정책 기관인 ifa와 큐레이터 및 관계자 여러분에게 감사의 뜻을 표한다. 그리고 고은사진미술관과 ifa가 서로 소통하고 교류하는 데 큰 도움을 준 주한독일문화원과 주한독일대사관에도 감사의 인사를 전한다. 특히 올해는 ifa 설립 100주년으로 고은사진미술관 개관 10주년과 함께 특별한 인연을 서로 축하하는 자리이기도 하다. 고은사진미술관의 첫 번째 독일 해외교류전 《Sehen Zen》(2014)에 이은 《바바라 클렘, 빛과 어둠 - 독일 사진》 전시를 계기로 한국과 독일 사이의 문화적 협력과 교류가 더욱 돈독해지리라 기대한다. 공동 기획과 전시 진행을 통해 이루어지는 교류는 양국의 현대 사진예술의 연구와 발전을 도모하고, 다양한 문화적, 인적 네크워크를 구축하는 데도 기여할 것이다.


1 바바라 클렘의 작업과 이번 전시의 내용에 대한 부분은 ifa에서 발행한 도록과 그 안에 수록된 여러 텍스트를 참고하여 작성되었음을 미리 밝혀둔다.
GoEun Museum of Photography is celebrating its 10th anniversary with "The Beginning and Beginning" project in 2017 to 2018, marking yet another start as it commemorates the moment of its first beginning. The integrated project will present a vision for the new future, as it looks back at the last 10 years of GoEun Museum of Photography, while it recalls Korean photography over the years from an art historical point of view. “The Begining and Begining” is on exhibit internationally for the first time, and the project is commencing with the masterpieces of photojournalism’s living legend, Babara Klemm. The exhibition, Barbara Klemm, Light and Dark - Photographs from Germany was planned by the German International Communications Agency (hencefore referred to as ifa) in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut in Korea, and is touring internationally. It makes its debut in Korea at the GoEun Museum of Photography, and the exhibition will then move to the Gyeongnam Art Museum.

Barbara Klemm is a photographer who worked as a photojournalist for the leading daily newspaper in Germany, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), for more than 40 years and during that time her own unique principles and style of photography helped her to take photojournalism to artistic heights. The works that we present are a collection of more than 120 black and white photographs that capture decades of the history of Germany as a divided nation, they also encompass various recent incidents in contemporary history. In particular, in this exhibition, the photographs on display capture important events in politics, and also cultural and societal issues, both before and after the unification of Germany, they are photos that are symbolic images of contemporary Germany history. Not only are there photos of prominent societal and political figures, there are also portraits of artists, including Andy Warhol, Alfred Hitchcock and Nadine Gordimer. The exhibition spans various spheres of society, Klemm’s photographs capture not only official talks, international conventions, demonstrations and protests, public assemblies, immigrant life, sensitive issues and tense moments in a time of rapid change, but also banal moments of everyday life and various cultural events and city spaces.

Barbara Klemm’s photographs concretely display the paradigms of society in its entirety, but also show us a developing society. Klemm excels at instinctively understanding the true essence of extraordinary events, but she captures more than just that moment, each of her images convey many different meanings and stories. She entrusts the interpretation of her photographs and the various meanings and stories within them to the viewer. This is the reason that her photographs, originally taken to accompany truthful reports of newspaper reporters, were continually circulated, are well-known and even recognised as works of art. The dramatic zenith of her work are her photographs of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent unification of the two Germanies. If her early photographs pursued the changes that led up to the unification of Germany, her later photographs are an even more meticulous observation of the results of this new order.

The reason that Barbara Klemm is not just a photographer but a photographer of unrivalled genius is that she carries out her work with her own inimitable style and flair. As she revealed herself, more than anyone else, she “clearly knows her own position and aim and works faithfully towards it, while constantly maintaining distance from her subjects” therefore she creates a record of things that everyone can see but simultaneously uncovers things that no-one has yet discovered. She never forgets her mission as a photographer – to show us special events simply and clearly - but at the same time Barabara Klemm’s talent and distinctive strength lie in her ability to interpret her subjects creatively, in a way that only she can. though she is capturing a moment, her photographs vaunt perfect proportions, design, balance, simplicity and clarity, but more than these qualities, she attaches importance to the depths and mood of black and white photography, and aren’t these principles of her photography the power that captivate and win the sympathy of her audiences?

The GoEun Museum of Photography is extremely delighted to celebrate is 10th year since it’s opening with its first international exhibition of 2017 and the opportunity to display the works of Barbara Klemm. Many people helped to organise this exhibition. First of all, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the photographer, Barbara Klemm herself, for her unbounded passion and dedicated interest in this exhibition. Next, we would like to express our gratitute to ifa, the institution in Germany with the longest and greatest history of international cultural affairs, who planned this exhibition, to the curators and everyone else who was involved. Also we would like to mention how thankful we are to both the Goethe-Institut Korea and the Deutsche Botschaft Seoul, who assisted the GoEun Museum of Photography and ifa in our communication and exchanges. This is also an opportunity for the GoEun Museum of Photography and ifa to celebrate a special tie, this year marks the 100th year since the establishment of ifa and the 10th year since the establishment of the GoEun Museum of Photography. We hope that the GoEun Museum of Photography’s exhibition, Barbara Klemm, Light and Dark – Photographs from Germany, which follows on from our first international exhibition from Germany Sehen Zen (2014), will be instrumental in promoting more cultural collaboration and exchange between Korea and Germany. The exchanges that have taken place thanks to this joint project and exhibition have became the impetus for the development of and research into contemporary art photography in both countries and have also contributed to the building of various cultural and social networks.

GoEun Musuem of Photography

1 We would like to inform the reader that information about Barbara Klemm's works and this exhibition was written based on various texts contained in catalogues published by ifa

Barbara Klemm

바바라 클렘은 화가인 프리츠 클렘의 딸로 1939년 독일 뮌스터에서 태어났다. 칼스루에의 포트레이트 스튜디오에서 사진 공부를 시작했다. 1959년 독일의 유력 일간지 프랑크푸르터 알게마이네 차이퉁에서 사진 제판일을 시작하면서 프리랜서로 사진기자가 되었다. 1970년부터 2004년까지 편집국에서 문화 ∙ 예술부와 정치부 사진기자로 왕성한 활동을 했다. 1992년 베를린-브란덴부르크 예술아카데미 회원으로 추대되었고, 2000년 다름슈타트 전문대학 사진학과 명예교수로 초빙되었다. 2010년에는 푸르 르 메리트 훈장을 받았다. 에리히 잘로몬상(1989), 헤센 주 문화상(2000), 베스트팔렌 예술상(2000), 막스 베크만상(2010), 라이카 명예의 전당상(2013) 등 다수의 수상 경력이 있고, 2013년 대규모 회고전을 비롯한 다수의 개인전과 단체전에 참여했다.

Barbara Klemm

1939 Born on 27 December 1939 in Münster, Westphalia, childhood in Karlsruhe
1955-58 Training in a portrait studio in Karlsruhe
1959 Begins work at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, initially
0000 producing printing plates and working in the photo lab;
0000 freelance work as a photojournalist
1970-2004 Photographer on the editorial board for art, culture and politics at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
since 1992 Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Arts in the Film and Media Art section
since 2000 Honorary professor of photography at the Darmstadt University of Applied Arts, faculty of design.
0000 Barbara Klemm lives in Frankfurt am Main

Solo Exhibitions (selection)
1969 American Trade Center, Frankfurt am Main
1976 Barbara Klemm: Photographs, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
1978 Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main
1982 Museum Folkwang, Essen
0000 German Society for Photography, Cologne
1984 Fotografie Forum international, Frankfurt am Main
0000 Museum Quadrat Bottrop
1985 Galerie Taube, Berlin
1989 Werkbundgalerie, Berlin
1990/91 Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
1992 Kulturforum Alte Post, Neuss
1993 Goethe-Institut, New Delhi
0000 Academy of Arts, Berlin
1995 Barbara Klemm: View to the East, Festspielgalerie, Berlin,
0000 and also in 2003: Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Wörlen, Passau
0000 Galerie Tobias Hirschmann, Frankfurt am Main
1998 Museum Weissenfels
0000 Kunstverein Würzburg
1999 Barbara Klemm: Our Years, Images from Germany 1968–1998,
0000 German Historical Museum, Kronprinzenpalais,
0000 Berlin; and also in 2000: Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
0000 am Main; Stadtmuseum Münster;
0000 2001: BavarianAcademy of Fine Arts, Munich;
0000 Lindenau-Museum,Altenburg
2000 Neue Galerie, Staatliche und Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Staatliche Museen Kassel
2001 Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Münster
2002 Barbara Klemm: Artists’ Portraits, Landesmuseum Oldenburg
0000 Kunstraum Akademie, Stuttgart
0000 Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottdorf, Grömitz
0000 and also in 2003: Gustav-Lübcke-Museum, Hamm
0000 Kulturforum Alte Post, Neuss; Kunsthalle Erfurt
0000 2004: Rudolf Steiner Archive, Dornach;
0000 2005: Deichtorhallen Hamburg
0000 Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin
2004 C/O, Berlin
0000 Galerie Dittmar, Berlin
0000 Goethe-Institut, Yekaterinburg; Novosibirsk
0000 Relating to Photography, Fotografie Forum international, Frankfurt am Main
2005 SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne
0000 Literaturhaus, Frankfurt am Main
0000 Brandenburgische Kunstsammlungen Cottbus
2006 Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle
0000 Barbara Klemm: 14 Days in China in 1985, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
0000 Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Cologne
2007 Deutsche Börse AG, Frankfurt am Main
0000 Skulptur: Projekte Münster 1997 – Photographs by Barbara Klemm, Stadtmuseum Münster미술관
2008 Mi Posselt Kunstprojekte, Bonn
0000 Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden
2009 Barbara Klemm – The Fall of the Wall 1989, Museum Wiesbaden
0000 Barbara Klemm. Streets Images, MMK Museum für
0000 Moderne Kunst Zollamt, Frankfurt am Main
0000 Barbara Klemm. Light and Dark. Photographs from Germany,
0000 international touring exhibition of theInstitute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart

Group exhibitions (selection)
1978 Images from Germany, touring exhibition in the USSR
1987 Pictures of our Neighbour, Institut Francais, Paris
1988 Ten German Women Photographers, Goethe-Institut,Brazil; USA
1989 Joseph Koudelka, Graciela Irtubide, Barbara Klemm,
0000 Städtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen
1992 Ingrid Behm, Mara Eggert, Barbara Klemm, Galerie Teufel, Mahlberg
1993 The Students’ Movement 1968 – Abisag Tüllmann, Barbara Klemm, Römerhallen, Frankfurt am Main
1997 Chimaera – Contemporary Photo Art from Central Europe, Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle;
0000 Landeskunstmuseum Sachsen-Anhalt
1999 Where No Eye Can See, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
2001 Urban Views, Galerie Ute Parduhn, Düsseldorf
2002 Schupmann Collection: Photography in Germany after 1945, Stadtmuseum Münster
2004 The XXth Century – Photographs on German History 1880 to 1989, German Historical Museum, Berlin
2005 (my private) HEROES, MARTa Herford Museum for Contemporary Art, Herford
0000 Erich Salomon – Barbara Klemm, SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne
0000 Elective Affinities, Das Städel, Frankfurt
2006 totalcity, beijing case, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
0000 Portraits and Images of Humanity, SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne
0000 Living, Seeing, Käthe Kollwitz Museum Cologne
0000 and also in 2007: Kunstsammlungen Zwickau
0000 The Heartbeat of Fashion, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
2007 Barbara Klemm, Fritz Klemm, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
0000 Bare Life, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem
0000 Portrait of the Street, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren
0000 Leap in Time: Erich Salomon, Barbara Klemm
0000 international touring exhibition of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart
2008 On Art and Politics: Photographs, Art Room at the German Bundestag, Berlin
0000 Landed: The Collection in the New Building, Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus

Awards and Prizes
1989 Dr. Erich Salomon Award of the German Society for Photography
0000 Hugo Erfurth Prize, International Photography Prize of the City of Leverkusen in conjunction with AGFA AG
1998 Maria Sibylla Merian Prize for Women Artists in Hesse
2000 Hesse Cultural Prize
0000 Konrad von Soest Prize of the Landscape Society of Westphalia-Lippe (Westphalian Art Prize)
2010 Max-Beckmann-Preis of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Barbara Klemm: Photographien, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg 1976
Barbara Klemm: Bilder, S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1986
Hugo-Erfurth-Preis 1989
Joseph Koudelka, Graciela Irtubide, Barbara Klemm, Städtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen 1989
Barbara Catoir, Bilder von Gehenden, Sitzenden, Wartenden – Die Reportagefotografie von Barbara Klemm, ed. Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 1991
Barbara Klemm: Fotografien, Kulturforum Alte Post, Neuss 1992
Barbara Klemm: Blick nach Osten 1970 –1995, S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1995
Günter de Bruyn, Barbara Klemm, Mein Brandenburg, Nicolai Verlag, Berlin 1997
Thomas Steinfeld, Barbara Klemm, Goethe in Weimar, Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1998
Günter de Bruyn, Barbara Klemm, Deutsche Zustände – über Erinnerungen und Tatsachen, Heimat und Literatur, S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1999
Barbara Klemm: Unsere Jahre – Bilder aus Deutschland 1968 –1998, Verlag Klinkhardt und Biermann, Munich 1999
Barbara Klemm: Künstlerporträts, Nicolai Verlag, Berlin 2004
Leben: Sehen – Fotografien von Sibylle Bergemann, Barbara Klemm, Helga Paris, Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2006
Skulptur: Projekte Münster 1997 – Fotografien von Barbara Klemm, Stadtmuseum Münster, 2007
Barbara Klemm, Fritz Klemm: Photographien, Gemälde, Zeichnungen, ed. Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich/Berlin 2007
Leap in Time: Erich Salomon, Barbara Klemm, ed. Ursula Zeller, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa), Stuttgart 2007
Barbara Klemm: Straßen Bilder, Nimbus Verlag, Wädenswil/ Switzerland 2009
Hans Dieter Schäfer, Barbara Klemm, Erinnerungstraining, Verlag Thomas Reche, Neumarkt 2009
