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전시기간 2017. 7. 14 ~ 10. 1
전시장소 동강사진박물관, 동강사진박물관 주변 야외 전시장,
스포츠파크 실내체육관, 영월여성회관, 영월 일원
갤러리 홈페이지
주최 강원도 영월군
주관 동강사진마을 운영위원회, 영월문화재단
후원 강원도, 캐논, 경성대학교, 한국사진학회, 그린아트, 닥터프린트, 아라아트
Forewords from the Committee President Hello, photography fans around the world and the people of Gangwon-do and Yeongwol-gun! I send my greetings to you all! I am deeply excited this year as the festival approaches closer, as I have always been before the advent of every festival. My name is Lee Jaegu and I am the President of the Management Committee of DongGang Village of Photography. I feel extremely privileged to be the one to announce the inauguration of the 16th DongGang International Photo Festival at this brink of summer. All members of the committee are hard at work at this hour at the sites that are scheduled to host the festival which will go on this year for about eighty days from the fourteenth of July to the first of October. What is noticeable about this year’s edition is that it will be followed by the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Games after a seven-month term. This feels like a perfect setting to be celebrating the cosmopolitan spirit of the art of photography I am more than happy for the province of Gangwon-do that it gets to host the two international mega-events in a row. Every year, we the people at the committee are doing our best to bring new programs to the festival. It has always been our goal to nurture and promote the genre of photography, to keep up with the pace of change in our rapidly globalizing world, and to maintain the integrity of our identity as ‘the festival for all, the festival of all.’ One special announcement is that Mr. SON Hyunjoo, a very popular movie actor, will work with us as an honorary ambassador for the festival. For the Main Exhibition this year, we have invited photographers who have established their formal languages in such ways that manifest the intrinsic value of photography. The signature works of those photographers will be featured in the show. For years now, we have published an inernational open call for proposals from photographers from overseas. What is noteworthy for this year is that the International Open Call Exhibition and the Main Exhibition will share the theme of proposed by our head curator, SHIN Sujin. Exbibitions are expected to be exceptionally entertaining as well as educational, specifically because of the rapidly increasing number of conflicts within communities commonly witnessed across many countries today. More than ever, we are eager to share the merits of the festival with the general public that are not particularly enthusiastic about photography. To do that, we made sure that all comprising events were prepared in such a way that they satisfy diverse tastes and preferences, hoping they will be worthy experiences, even to the uninitiated. Adjustments were made to the entire line-up of our events to serve such a purpose. Also, one parallel event will take place throughout the duration of the festival at the DongGang Museum of Photography which is exclusively designed for the people of Gangwon-do and Yeongwol-gun to enjoy. From the long history of this festival, we have accumulated a vast educational infrastructure and acquired extensive expertise in the domain of exhibition design. We are confident these qualities are our most unique and strongest assets which set us apart from any other events in the country. The nine of our regular exhibitions that we have introduced and developed over the years – Main Exhibition, International Open Call Exhibition, DongGang Photography Award Exhibition, Gangwon Province Photographers Exhibition, Street Installation Exhibition, Photo Journalists Exhibition, Yeongwol County Photographers Exhibition, Continuing Education Exhibition, Elementary School Photo Diary Exhibition – and an education program, namely the 2017 DongGang Photo Workshop and photo adventure program, the Yeongwol Photo Tour Program, will be the core pillars of the festival. Yeongwol is the only region in the country that has a public museum that hosts photography exhibitions exclusively. With the addition of DongGang International Photo Festival, I am certain that the county of Yeongwol more than qualifies as the top-tier breeding ground for the photographic arts. I strongly believe that the county of Yeongwol will be in no time, if it isn’t already, the preeminent source of pride for all the photography professionals and enthusiasts in the country. As always, I would like to thank all those who contributed greatly to the preparations for the festival, namely the people of Yeongwol, the Governor PARK Sunkuy, the members of the County Council, for playing their respective parts, which were huge. I also thank everyone from the Press and those working in the media industry for promoting the festival. Also, I am much grateful for the sponsors of the festival for their patience and generosity. Last but not least, I thank all the members of the DongGang Village of Photography Organizing Committee and the staff members for their enormous efforts in organizing the festival despite its growing scale every year. I look forward to meeting you all at the festival and paying my respects in person. ​July 14th, 2017 LEE Jaegu President of DongGang Village of Photography, Management Committee Professor of Kyungsung University

제16회 동강국제사진제를 개최하며

​ 사진을 사랑하시는 여러분, 그리고 강원도민과 영월군민 여러분 안녕하십니까? 올해도 변함없이 고대하는 마음으로 동강사진마을 운영위원장 이재구, 인사드립니다.
다시 여름이 오고 있는 이천십칠년 유월, 여름 밤하늘을 수놓는 별처럼 찬란히 빛을 발하는 사진의 고장 영월에서 ‘제16회 동강국제사진제’의 개최를 자랑스럽게 알립니다.
2017년 7월 14일(금)~10월 1일(일)까지 80일간의 일정으로 동강사진박물관 등 영월군 곳곳에서 여러분을 반갑게 뵙고자 정성을 다해 준비하고 있습니다.
특히 올해는 ‘2018 평창 동계올림픽’ 개막을 7개월 앞두고 열리게 돼 있어 국제공모전의 진행과 함께 사진예술의 글로벌화를 경험하는 다채로운 국제적인 행사가 될 것으로 기대합니다.
매년 한여름의 시작을 동강국제사진제와 함께해 주신 여러분들께 더욱 의미 있고 소중한 체험의 장이 되고자 새로운 프로그램 개발에 주력하고 있습니다.
동강국제사진제는 사진예술의 특성화를 기본 축으로 해서 세계로 향하는 글로벌화, 그리고 동시에 ‘누구나 참여하는 우리 모두의 사진 축제’로서 여러분을 위한 신명 나는 사진 축제의 장을 만들어 가고자 합니다. 특히 우리 모두의 사진 축제를 적극 홍보하기 위해 사진을 사랑하고 영월군에 각별한 애정이 있는 영화배우 손현주씨가 홍보대사로 활동하고 있습니다.
올해의 주제전은 사진가 고유의 사진적 가치를 독창적으로 구현한 국내외 작가들의 명작들을 두루 선보이게 됩니다. 또한 세계 사진예술의 흐름을 가늠하는 국제공모전도 매년 계속되고 있습니다. 주목할 것은 신수진 예술감독의 참신한 기획 ‘나는 갈등한다, 고로 존재한다’라는 주제 아래 각각의 주제전과 공모전이 진행된다는 점입니다. 특히 공동체를 둘러싼 공적 갈등, 그 안에서 개인이 경험하는 사적 갈등을 세계 각국의 다양한 스토리텔링 기법으로 풀어내게 됩니다.
어느 해보다도 ‘제16회 동강국제사진제’는 국내외 사진 전문가와 사진 및 여행 애호가뿐 아니라 아직은 사진을 가까이에서 경험하지 못한 일반 대중 관객을 아울러 폭 넓고 다양한 경험과 기호를 나누고자 합니다. 이를 위해 11개의 단위행사를 특성화했고 영월군민, 강원도민을 위해 준비한 부대행사도 동강사진박물관에서 지속적으로 진행됩니다.
특히 지난 16년간 동강국제사진제의 자랑스러운 전통과 역사를 통해 축적해 온 전시 및 교육 인프라는 그 어떤 행사와도 차별화되는 동강국제사진제 고유의 가치를 지닌 것이라고 자부합니다. 올해에도 그동안 꾸준히 발굴하고 특별히 육성해 온 9개 기획전(주제전, 국제공모전, 동강사진상수상자전, 강원도사진가전, 거리설치전, 보도사진가전, 영월군민사진전, 평생교육원사진전, 전국초등학교사진일기공모전)과 교육행사(2017동강사진워크숍)와 체험행사(영월사진기행)가 다채롭게 개최됩니다.

사진을 더없이 사랑하는 우리 모두의 동강국제사진제가 개최되는 이곳 영월군은 국내 유일의 사진 전문 공립박물관인 동강사진박물관을 보유한 대한민국 대표 사진문화 콘텐츠를 키워내고 있는, 한국 사진문화의 자산이자 자긍심이 되리라 기대합니다.
언제나처럼 오늘의 성공적인 동강국제사진제의 개최를 위해 큰 도움을 주신 영월군 군민 여러분과 박선규 영월군수님, 문화관광과 관계자 여러분과 영월문화재단 관계자 여러분, 그리고 든든히 책임을 다해 주시는 영월군의회 의원 여러분, 동강국제사진제를 널리 홍보해 주신 모든 언론기관 관계자 여러분께 고개 숙여 감사드립니다.
그리고 든든한 성원을 보내 주신 후원사와 한마음으로 어려운 준비 과정을 함께해 주신 동강사진마을운영위원회 위원들께도 깊은 감사의 마음을 전합니다.

​ 2017년 7월 14일

​ 이재구

동강사진마을 운영위원회 위원장
경성대학교 교수

Forewords from the Committee President

Hello, photography fans around the world and the people of Gangwon-do and Yeongwol-gun! I send my greetings to you all! I am deeply excited this year as the festival approaches closer, as I have always been before the advent of every festival.
My name is Lee Jaegu and I am the President of the Management Committee of DongGang Village of Photography. I feel extremely privileged to be the one to announce the inauguration of the 16th DongGang International Photo Festival at this brink of summer. All members of the committee are hard at work at this hour at the sites that are scheduled to host the festival which will go on this year for about eighty days from the fourteenth of July to the first of October.
What is noticeable about this year’s edition is that it will be followed by the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Games after a seven-month term. This feels like a perfect setting to be celebrating the cosmopolitan spirit of the art of photography I am more than happy for the province of Gangwon-do that it gets to host the two international mega-events in a row. Every year, we the people at the committee are doing our best to bring new programs to the festival. It has always been our goal to nurture and promote the genre of photography, to keep up with the pace of change in our rapidly globalizing world, and to maintain the integrity of our identity as ‘the festival for all, the festival of all.’ One special announcement is that Mr. SON Hyunjoo, a very popular movie actor, will work with us as an honorary ambassador for the festival.
For the Main Exhibition this year, we have invited photographers who have established their formal languages in such ways that manifest the intrinsic value of photography. The signature works of those photographers will be featured in the show. For years now, we have published an inernational open call for proposals from photographers from overseas. What is noteworthy for this year is that the International Open Call Exhibition and the Main Exhibition will share the theme of [I Conflict, Therefore I Am] proposed by our head curator, SHIN Sujin. Exbibitions are expected to be exceptionally entertaining as well as educational, specifically because of the rapidly increasing number of conflicts within communities commonly witnessed across many countries today.
More than ever, we are eager to share the merits of the festival with the general public that are not particularly enthusiastic about photography. To do that, we made sure that all comprising events were prepared in such a way that they satisfy diverse tastes and preferences, hoping they will be worthy experiences, even to the uninitiated. Adjustments were made to the entire line-up of our events to serve such a purpose. Also, one parallel event will take place throughout the duration of the festival at the DongGang Museum of Photography which is exclusively designed for the people of Gangwon-do and Yeongwol-gun to enjoy.
From the long history of this festival, we have accumulated a vast educational infrastructure and acquired extensive expertise in the domain of exhibition design. We are confident these qualities are our most unique and strongest assets which set us apart from any other events in the country. The nine of our regular exhibitions that we have introduced and developed over the years – Main Exhibition, International Open Call Exhibition, DongGang Photography Award Exhibition, Gangwon Province Photographers Exhibition, Street Installation Exhibition, Photo Journalists Exhibition, Yeongwol County Photographers Exhibition, Continuing Education Exhibition, Elementary School Photo Diary Exhibition – and an education program, namely the 2017 DongGang Photo Workshop and photo adventure program, the Yeongwol Photo Tour Program, will be the core pillars of the festival.
Yeongwol is the only region in the country that has a public museum that hosts photography exhibitions exclusively. With the addition of DongGang International Photo Festival, I am certain that the county of Yeongwol more than qualifies as the top-tier breeding ground for the photographic arts. I strongly believe that the county of Yeongwol will be in no time, if it isn’t already, the preeminent source of pride for all the photography professionals and enthusiasts in the country. As always, I would like to thank all those who contributed greatly to the preparations for the festival, namely the people of Yeongwol, the Governor PARK Sunkuy, the members of the County Council, for playing their respective parts, which were huge. I also thank everyone from the Press and those working in the media industry for promoting the festival. Also, I am much grateful for the sponsors of the festival for their patience and generosity. Last but not least, I thank all the members of the DongGang Village of Photography Organizing Committee and the staff members for their enormous efforts in organizing the festival despite its growing scale every year. I look forward to meeting you all at the festival and paying my respects in person.

​ July 14th, 2017

​ LEE Jaegu
President of DongGang Village of Photography, Management Committee
Professor of Kyungsung University
